Epic Games Super Meat Boy

Today it's been two weeks since you can get Subnautica for free in the Epic Games store. This means that the end of this offer is approaching in great steps. However, lovers of this type of special 'sale' event don't have to be sad. In the next few hours the next special offer will take place. According to earlier announcements, Super Meat Boy developed by Team Meat studio will be available for free on the new digital distribution platform. The title will be available in this form until 10 January, 2019.

Super Meat Boy can be delivered to any PC enthusiast - you just need an account in the Epic Store.

Oct 05, 2008 This is NOT Super Meat Boy! Its simply the flash prototype that Super Meat Boy was based off of. SMB, will play very differently and is 100% new. What im saying is if you even slightly enjoy the prototype, you will LOVE SMB! For more info on Super Meat Boy check out supermeatboy.com-Team Meat.

Meat Boy

In order to receive Super Meat Boy for free, after the promotion starts, go to the product card in the Epic Games store and click the 'Free' button. Of course, it is necessary to have an account on the website.

Super Meat Boy is an indie two-dimensional platformer, which debuted on the market in 2010. It should appeal primarily to fans of challenges, as it is characterized by a high level of difficulty. Lovers of surrealistic climates should not be disappointed either, as the whole production is maintained in such a way. It is enough to mention that the main character is a bleeding piece of meat, and his main opponent is the fetus controlling the robot.


EpicEpic games super meat boy free
The main characters of the Super Meat Boy are quite peculiar.

If someone would prefer to have a Super Meat Boy on Steam, it is worth remembering that as part of the Christmas sale you can buy it on the Valve platform for a very small price. However, the Epic Store offer should attract DRM opponents, because the local version of Team Meat's work does not have such a protection.

More free games will be available at Epic Games Store every two weeks throughout 2019. Unfortunately, we still don't know what kind of production you will be able to get without any additional charges for fourteen days. However, the designers of Fortnite's record-breaking popularity seem determined to threaten the position of Steam – the current leader in the digital distribution market. We can therefore expect further interesting offers, discounts and exclusive titles. The question is, is it enough to stay on the surface?

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