Super Meat Boy 106 Save File

  • All Super Meat Boy Trainers, Saves, Editors at CheatsGuru have been submitted by our users. Although we always check files for existing viruses, these files can be potentially dangerous for your computers. For checking the files you can use an on-line antivirus scanner. Such scanner gives 80% guarantee that the file is safe.
  • Most of the completion posts I see are of 106% completion. Well on the Xbox 360 version of the game I have 107% completion. Note there is a bandage in Cotton Alley dark world on Xbox 360 and I can't confirm that it's in the PC version.

Super Meat Boy sound and data unpacker

Super Meat Boy 106 Save File Download

Super Meat Boy Meat Boy series. Here is a standard route for 106% with heavy naija usage. Meat boy will be placed on the warp after exiting or completing the.

I bought Super Meat Boy a couple of weeks ago, and it’s one of the most awesome games I’ve ever played. Yesterday I had some free time, so I decided to try to unpack the data files. Thus, I wrote an packer/unpacker for the sound files (gameaudio.dat). I was going to do the same for the data files (gamedata.dat), but someone was faster than me 🙂

Super Meat Boy 106 Save File

So, here’s the program. Full c++ source included 😉 It’s mostly hacked together, so it’s not the most pretty code, but it does its job.

For usage, please check the README in the archive. kb)


If the build doesn’t run, please install the Visual C 2008 SP1 redistributable.

Update: The unpacker is now able to unpack the data files!

Attention! Please read the README, because the command line arguments used to pack/unpack have changed!

Also, I’ve received some mails suggesting I post a donation link for this. I’m not going to do that for 2 reasons. First, I did not make Super Meat Boy. Therefore, I have no right to cash in on it. And second, the guys at Team Meat are some of the people I respect most in the world. I don’t want to piss them off.

Note: I have written a gamedata.dat packer/unpacker, too, but I just didn’t have time to post it. Will be on as soon as possible. Source included, obviously 🙂


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