Super Meat Boy 6-5

By EszikEszik. Last updated

Tofu Boy is a joke character in response to PETA's parody of Super Meat Boy, Super Tofu Boy. Tofu Boy is weaker than Meat Boy. He moves slower, does not jump as high, and has less distance from jumping off a wall. To stop playing as Tofu Boy, pause the game, and select another character. Glitch levels. Defeat the Boss of any chapter. Without a keen ear or familiarity with the original release, it's easy enough to get tricked into believing Super Meat Boy for the Nintendo Switch is a 1:1 port that offers an authentic experience, albeit on new hardware. Meat Boy controls exactly as he once did and the stages are completely untouched.

- Forest: 1-1 to 1-14, then 1-16 to 1-18

- Hospital: 2-1 to 2-17

- Factory: 3-1 to 3-17
OR 3-1 to 3-11, then 3-14 to 3-19 (fastest route, do it only if you can do the 3-18 skip consistently)

- Hell: 4-1, then 4-3 to 4-17, then 4-19

- Rapture: 5-1 to 5-7, then 5-9 to 5-18 (fastest route, do it only if you can get the 5-1 fast strat and do the 5-18 consistently)
OR 5-2 to 5-18 (if you can't do 5-1 without dying/messing up)
OR 5-1 to 5-17 (old route, do it if you can't do 5-18)

- The End: 6-1 to 6-5 (what did you expect?)

Further notes (by vorpal):
The above routes assume standard PC loading times. If your load times are worse, most likely due to playing on console, you have some route options. In general, load times matter much more when you enter and exit stages from level select rather than simply beating levels and advancing to the next one, so routes that involve exits to map will become comparatively worse. How can you tell if your load times are worse? If you watch streams and see that nearly everyone else saves seconds over you every time you exit to map.


With bad loads, try these routes instead:
forest: 1 through 17
factory: 1 through 17 (borderline case; would be worth timing yourself, but 1-17 is easier)
hell: 1 through 17 (if you're willing to skip ahead of the moving platform before the end of 4-2, otherwise do normal route)
rapture: 1 through 17 or 2 through 18 (whichever is easier; compare your 5-1 time vs 5-18)

Super Meat Boy 6-5


Number of Players
Action, Platformer
Release Date

Switch eShop

  • 11th Jan 2018 (US/Canada), $14.99
  • 11th Jan 2018 (UK/EU/AU), £11.99
Meat Boy
Official Site

Screenshots (5)


  • A meaty adventure

    Stop us if you've heard this one before; Switch just got a port of a last-gen classic and it's selling like hotcakes. Super Meat Boy is the latest success story on Nintendo's latest hardware, despite having released on Wii U late in 2016. SMB is the brainchild of Binding Of

About The Game

Super Meat Boy is a tough as nails platformer where you play as an animated cube of meat who's trying to save his girlfriend (who happens to be made of bandages) from an evil fetus in a jar wearing a tux.

Our meaty hero will leap from walls, over seas of buzz saws, through crumbling caves and pools of old needles. Sacrificing his own well being to save his damsel in distress. Super Meat Boy brings the old school difficulty of classic titles and stream lines them down to the essential no BS straight forward twitch reflex platforming.

Ramping up in difficulty from hard to soul crushing SMB will drag Meat boy though haunted hospitals, salt factories and even hell itself. And if 300+ single player levels weren't enough SMB also throws in epic boss fights, tons of unlockable secrets, warp zones and hidden characters.

And now coming first to Nintendo Switch™ is a brand new way to play Super Meat Boy with your friends. Introducing 'RACE MODE'! In this 2 player split screen race, friends (or enemies) can compete against each other through individual chapters, randomized levels, or the entire game! Choose light world, dark world, or both and have at it. Side effects may include: elevated heartbeat, severe anxiety, hubris, and schadenfreude.

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