Super Meat Boy Any Wr

Jul 07, 2013  As I said, a year ago over a million copies of Super Meat Boy had already been sold, so it has to be even more by now. People have had almost three years to do crazy ♥♥♥♥ with the game, and if we assume that the most hardcore players from XBLA also got Super Meat Boy on Steam, 1000 people with Impossible Boy does seem plausible.

This is a tool-assisted speedrun of Super Meat Boy in the any% category, with a completion time of 15:32.80 (RTA timing). The run is done on linux on a single input file on a tool called linTAS.

Tricks used in this run:

Dual jumping: When using both keyboard and controller jump buttons separately meatboy can jump more frequently with less frames moving downwards.

Wallsliding: If you jump when barely touching a wall, meatboy will do a slide instead of a jump.

Storage jumping: On the first frame of the level it is possible to jump if the character touches the ground or a wall when touching bandage girl.

Fast acceleration: If meatboy does a 1 frame input of turning to the opposite direction during a ground jump meatboy will accelerate faster.

Autojumping: It allows for the character to make full jumps and jump inputs on every frame at the same time. It is performed by holding jump, pausing, releasing jump, and unpausing. It can be cancelled by pressing jump again.

Exiting to map pause glitch: During the exit to map dialog meatboy will continue his spawning animation whereas the object in the level don’t progress. This allows meatboy to catch earlier cycles on some levels.

Super Meat Boy Any Wr

Frame manipulation pausing: Pauses cause the next frame to be slightly different from what it would otherwise be. This allows optimizations in movement in some levels.

Detach jumping: During detaching meatboy stays on the wall for a couple frames while moving away from the wall. Jumping during these frames gives meatboy extra speed.

Super meat boy game

Instadetaching: Holding both directions allows meatboy to begin detaching immediately on a left sided wall.

Disappearing laser eye: A linux only trick where the laser eye disappears. This trick is not understood particularly well but it generally happens when doing small movements relative to the angular distance of the laser eye.

Resolution and detail level : This run uses 1080p resolution and high detail in this run. There are small variations in some based on the resolution that is being used. It is possible some other resolution would be faster. The same stands for medium, low and ultralow detail.

Super Meat Boy Any Wrap

Thanks to all the meatboy TASers and the rest of the meatboy speedrunning community. Also special thanks to Kilaye for providing the tool used in the making of this run.

By EszikEszik. Last updated

- Forest: 1-1 to 1-14, then 1-16 to 1-18

- Hospital: 2-1 to 2-17

- Factory: 3-1 to 3-17
OR 3-1 to 3-11, then 3-14 to 3-19 (fastest route, do it only if you can do the 3-18 skip consistently)

- Hell: 4-1, then 4-3 to 4-17, then 4-19

- Rapture: 5-1 to 5-7, then 5-9 to 5-18 (fastest route, do it only if you can get the 5-1 fast strat and do the 5-18 consistently)
OR 5-2 to 5-18 (if you can't do 5-1 without dying/messing up)
OR 5-1 to 5-17 (old route, do it if you can't do 5-18)

- The End: 6-1 to 6-5 (what did you expect?)

Further notes (by vorpal):
The above routes assume standard PC loading times. If your load times are worse, most likely due to playing on console, you have some route options. In general, load times matter much more when you enter and exit stages from level select rather than simply beating levels and advancing to the next one, so routes that involve exits to map will become comparatively worse. How can you tell if your load times are worse? If you watch streams and see that nearly everyone else saves seconds over you every time you exit to map.

With bad loads, try these routes instead:
forest: 1 through 17
factory: 1 through 17 (borderline case; would be worth timing yourself, but 1-17 is easier)
hell: 1 through 17 (if you're willing to skip ahead of the moving platform before the end of 4-2, otherwise do normal route)
rapture: 1 through 17 or 2 through 18 (whichever is easier; compare your 5-1 time vs 5-18)

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