Super Meat Boy Console

Tofu Boy is a joke character in response to PETA's parody of Super Meat Boy, Super Tofu Boy. Tofu Boy is weaker than Meat Boy. He moves slower, does not jump as high, and has less distance from jumping off a wall. To stop playing as Tofu Boy, pause the game, and select another character. Glitch levels. Defeat the Boss of any chapter. I said that Super Meat Boy is 'easy' to S-Rank. I mean, the PC version has those crazy 'not die in a whole world' and glitch levels Achievements that seem impossible in the later chapters. If you are remotely interested in getting an S-Rank in the game, go for the 360 version.

Super meat boy controller

I can draw only one conclusion from all of these polls regarding video-game violence: Americans do not make sense.

News Blips:

A new poll finds more than half of Americans believe violent video games cause more violence. According to Rasmussen Reports, 54 percent of those polled think violent video games lead to more violence in society, 32 percent think there is no correlation, and 14 percent are not sure. Only five percent believe the government should be responsible for monitoring the content of games, while 71 percent believes the responsibility should lie with the parents and 21 percent think it's with game makers. Despite these numbers, 65 percent believe states should be allowed to restrict the rental and sale of violent games to minors. So parents should be responsible for what their kids play but states should be able to regulate games? Real smart, America.

Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime says the company wants to sell 15 million more Wii units in North America before moving on to its next console. 'After we've reached an installed base of 45 million here in the U.S., we can have a conversation about the next generation,' he told Kotaku. 'As we sit here today we're saying the Wii has many, many more units to sell.' That would be a reasonable goal if Nintendo had more than one real hit a year.

Super Meat Boy's Xbox Live sale lasts through the end of this week. Team Meat's indie platformer is currently available on Xbox Live for the discounted price of $10, but the fee will go up to $15 this Sunday. Super Meat Boy designer Edmund McMillan said the current price factors in a 33 percent release sale discount that hasn't been widely publicized, and he doesn't want fans to feel screwed over when the price goes up next week. Sorry, Edmund: Even if they get it on the cheap, fans are screwed. Super Meat Boy is brutal!

Blizzard posts job openings for console developers to work on Diablo 3. On its career page, Blizzard lists lead designer, lead programmer, and senior producer positions for consoles under its Diablo 3 heading. The lead designer description lists 'prior experience in console game development' and an 'extensive knowledge of Diablo' as requirements. These job listings probably mean Blizzard is planning a console version of Diablo 3, but let's not rule out the possibility of a Diablo kart racer!


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