Super Meat Boy Tofu Boy Run

I don't know very much about devmode but I decided to include it here as a bonus since it is enabled through Command Line. It is a sort of non-user friendly version of the level editor which some modders came across after Super Meat Boy came out on PC. It is still fun to play around with. See Team Meat website for more.

Hello TV tropes,

My name is Flyingdingo0827 and I have just played 'Super Tofu Boy' which was previously linked to this forum. After spending a couple of minutes playing I have come to one conclusion.

The first thing you'll notice about STB is how horrible the controls are. When you get control of Tofu boy, you'll notice how sensitive the controls are. SFB will run at top speed no matter how hard you press the button which can fuck you up immensely when you have to gently walk over the edge of a platform while dodging dangerous objects on the way down. You'll also notice how hard it is to move in a given direction whenever you jump straight up. Lastly, you'll notice how horrible the wall jump is, for some reason whenever you wall jump, Tofu boy will always jump diagonally which will cause you to have several unnecessary deaths due to Tofu boy jumping too far up or to the side.

In addition to this, the level design seems to be almost completely copied from meat boy's (the flash one not the console version) level design which doesn't work as well when you factor in the horrible controls. In addition to this, you'll only be able to play in three world with three levels with one or two bonus levels to keep you coming back. This shows the designers laziness more than anything else when you compare it to (super) meat boy which more than 5 times the levels per world (not including the bonus levels) even though it was made by two people.

The music is also seemingly copied from the meat boy soundtrack without any of the quality. Throughout the entire game, you'll only hear a small handful of songs with one song being played for every single level of the game.

The graphics are, of course, poorly made and copied wholesale from meat boy. Tofu boy simply looks like a white meat boy, bandage girl's sprite is merely a simple sprite taken from meat boy, and the rotten meat boy and dr. fetus simply look like bastardizations of their former selves. The background images are also simply pictures of the inside of a slaughterhouse with mild variations in between. Overall though, the background never changes from a blood splattered room with meat hanging from a hook. In addition to this, the graphics can sometime cause serious lag with the game which makes an already horrible game even worse.

Overall though, the game tries and fails at being a parody and a game period. This game takes super meat boy and dissects everything that made the game fun. Between the horrible controls, fake difficulty, shitty graphics, shitty music, and the level design, there's nothing that can thoroughly make this game enjoyable. Avoid this game at all costs (unless your into playing horrible games of course) and save yourself unnecessary rage and frustration.

If you want to play a good game however, go play the original meat boy here or play Super Meat Boy over XBLA, Steam, or Wiiware.

And that's all I have to say on the subject.

Have a nice day


P.S. sorry for the long post but seriously don't play this game.

Super Meat Boy Tofu Boy RunLyrics

Super Meat Boy Tofu Boy Running Shoes

edited 2nd Dec '10 11:10:52 AM by flyingdingo0827

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