Super Meat Boy 100 Checklist

Your morning has the power to set the tone for your entire day.

For many people, it’s also a chance to get in a little “me time.”

So what better way to start your day strong AND do something good for yourself than with a workout — one that leaves you feeling accomplished, energized, and ready to take on whatever life throws at you?

Jan 15, 2011  Why yes I am that guy on youtube that you are jealous of.

That’s where Super Trainer Jericho McMatthews comes in.

With her latest program, Morning Meltdown 100, Jericho is going to help you unlock the very best version of yourself by helping you achieve an incredible goal: to complete 100 workouts!

What Is Morning Meltdown 100?

Morning Meltdown 100 is the latest workout program from Beachbody Super Trainer and CORE DE FORCE co-creator Jericho McMatthews.

Every morning, she’ll lead you through a 20- to 30-minute workout that can help you rev up your metabolism, burn fat all day, and build your best body ever — all working toward helping you live your BEST LIFE.

There are 100 unique workouts in total, and yep, each one is designed to help you transform your body.

But more importantly, these 100 workouts give you 100 opportunities to work on yourself — and reap the rewards of working out in the morning.

“Waking up and sweating means starting your day with an endorphin rush, which instantly boosts your mood and sets a positive tone for the rest of your day,” Jericho explains. “You’ll feel happier, more accomplished, and less stressed, and you’ll have extra energy to tackle the rest of your day as it unfolds.”

What Kinds of Workouts Are Included in Morning Meltdown 100?

Jericho created the program with tons of variety to help keep your body progressing.

“Expect to see a well-rounded variety of training modalities across the board, including HIIT, resistance, active recovery, mobility, and more,” she says.

That variety is key to helping you transform your body in just 100 days.

Not only will it help you optimize your results and prevent training plateaus, but it will also help you avoid burnout and boredom.

Plus, Jericho designed the program with your busy life in mind. The workouts are short enough to easily fit into your day and the schedule is flexible, so you can stay on-track even when life gets in the way.

After all, it doesn’t matter how you get to 100 workouts — you just have to get there.

Music and Morning Meltdown 100

Music plays a huge role in the program. For the first time in Beachbody history, each workout is set to a heart-pumping BPM (that’s beats per minute) playlist mixed by a live DJ.


Super Meat Boy 100 Checklist 2017

Why a live DJ?

“Working out with the DJ feels like a party! You’ll have fun, live in the moment, and connect to the workout like never before,” says Jericho.

Between the upbeat mixes and Jericho’s energy, you’ll have all the motivation you need to give every morning sweat session your all.

Pro tip: Music not loud enough for you? Pump up the volume by clicking the speech bubble icon in the lower right corner of the video, then click “Audio,” then select the “English Pumped Up Music.”

What Else Is Included in Morning Meltdown 100?

We don’t want to give away too much, but let’s just say Jericho has some surprises in store to help you stick with the challenge.

She hints, “We’ve created some new tools for this program that help you create personalized goals, track your progress, and unlock your potential. Stay tuned!”

Who Is Jericho McMatthews?

Jericho McMatthews is a Beachbody Super Trainer, creator of Morning Meltdown 100, and co-creator of the MMA-inspired fitness program CORE DE FORCE.

Jericho holds personal training certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), the American Fitness Association of America (AFAA), and the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and has more than a decade of experience as a fitness authority and presenter at some of the fitness industry’s most esteemed conferences.

Known for her motivating, tough-love teaching style and fiery personality, Jericho is so excited to help even more people make fitness part of their daily lives with Morning Meltdown 100!

I think I’ve had a plain old bucket list in the form of a Facebook Note ever since I was in high school. However, I never got around to anything on the list – all those things were events I figured would happen in the future – meaning some undefined time that didn’t implore me to take action now.

Super Meat Boy 100 Checklist Printable

To fix that, I’ve created my impossible list. I got the idea from Joel Runyon, who created the world’s first impossible list and defined the difference between it and a regular ‘ole bucket list. Put simply, the impossible list is an ever-evolving list of experiences that build upon each other, help others as well as yourself, and implore you to take action. This is mine, which is, of course, ever-evolving.

Here’s a video with more detail on the concept:

This page is very personal, but I keep it here on CIG as an ever-present reminder to all who would take heed of it:

Think about what your true life goals are, and constantly evaluate your progress towards them. In other words, be mindful of your path.

Current Focuses:

Right now my main focus is on work projects, since a new semester is coming up.

The rest of my current priorities are declared at this page: What I’m Doing Now

Last 5 Completed Goals

  • Run a 5K in less than 25 minutes (January 2020)
  • Learn how to lead climb (May 2019)
  • Launch a product that creates over $15,000 in revenue within one month (January 2019)
  • Create an online course (January 2019)
  • Climb a 15-foot rope using hands only (October 2018)

Life Goals

  • Graduate from college
    • Final GPA: 3.46 – close enough
  • Raise $100,000 through Pencils of Promise to help build schools in developing countries (Join my campaign to help!)
  • Release a full album of original music, a novel, and a feature-length film or documentary
  • “Retire” Mr. Money Mustache-style by age 40 (save $900k in 2014 dollars, have the option to live off of less than 4% – $36,000/yr – from interest)
  • Maintain a loving, inspiring, happy relationship with my amazing girlfriend Anna (7 years and counting)
  • Move to Denver, CO (March 27, 2017)
  • Leave a $100 tip at a restaurant
  • Be self-sufficient and location-independent
    • June 2013: I’m now graduated from college. Running CIG is my full-time job (which I can do from anywhere there’s internet). I’m writing this from a hostel in Tokyo. Criteria all met!
  • Meet Jay Walker and visit his stupendously amazing library
  • Help other students expand their potential and realize their dreams (always in progress)

Fitness/Health Goals

  • Run a 5K (March 18, 2011)
    • Do it in less than 25 minutes (January 22, 2020)
  • Run a 10K (March 29, 2011)
  • Run a mile in less than 6 minutes (July 11, 2012)
  • Complete a Warrior Dash (July 14, 2012 – time: 29 minutes)
  • Complete a Tough Mudder – August 25, 2018
  • Complete a Spartan Race
  • Complete a GORUCK Challenge
  • Learn Parkour (proof)
    • Do 10 trampoline backflips with no rest bounces (currently at 3 or 4 – it gets pretty dizzying and hard to remember)
    • Learn standing backflips
    • Learn wall flips
  • Cycle 100 miles in a day (follow my progress on Strava)
  • Cycle at least 10 miles at an average speed of 20mph or more (June 10, 2018)
    • Cycle at least 30 miles at an average speed of 20mph or more (at this point I’ll consider myself mildly competitive)
  • Participate in a cycling race
  • Climb a 15-foot rope using hands only (October 13, 2018)
    • Climb a 25-foot rope for 2 reps, hands-only, seated start
  • Walk 40 feet on a slackline (currently can do about 20)
  • Achieve a powerlifting total (squat/bench/deadlift) of 1,000 lbs. (Current: 750/Best: 920)
  • Bench 250 (225×6 video)
    • Bench 305
  • Squat 250
  • Deadlift 300
    • Deadlift 350 (April 27, 2012 video)
  • Military Press 170
  • Do a triathalon (Sprint Distance – workout log)
    • Now do a real, organized one
    • Do an Olympic Distance triathlon
  • Do 100 push-ups in a single set
  • Do 15 pull-ups in a single set (November 11, 2014)
    • Do 20 pull-ups in a single set
  • Do 15 chin-ups in a single set (April 30, 2014)
    • Do 20 chin-ups in a single set
  • Do a muscle-up (April 29, 2018)
    • Do a set of 5 muscle-ups
    • Do a strict muscle-up (no kipping or swinging)
  • Do a one-arm pull-up
  • Do a front lever
  • Do an Iron Cross (extremely advanced gymnastics move)
  • Close a Captains of Crush #2 gripper
  • Completely clear up my complexion (for me, this basically means drink more than a gallon of water a day and eat no sugar)

Professional Goals

  • Get 100,000 blog visits, all time(October 30, 2011)
    • Get 1,000,000 blog visits, all time (July 29, 2013)
    • Get 75,000 blog visits in a month (August 26, 2014)
    • Get 150,000 blog visits in a month (January 15, 2015)
    • Get 500,000 blog visits in a month
  • Grow the CIG newsletter to 5,000 subscribers (January 10, 2015)
    • Grow to 10,000 subscribers (February 21, 2015)
    • Grow to 250,000 subscribers
  • Write 25,000 words in a month
  • Start a podcast (January 31, 2013)
    • Get 10,000 listens in a month (January 2015)
    • Get 50 reviews on iTunes (August 26, 2015)
  • Self-publish a book (>10,000 words) (January 5, 2015)
    • Create print and audiobook editions of the book (July 30, 2018 – audiobook finally published!)
  • Write a traditionally published book
    • Get on the New York Times Best Sellers list
  • Launch a regular YouTube show and release 10 videos
    • Release 50 videos (December 3, 2015)
  • Gain 250 YouTube subscribers (October 20, 2014)
    • Gain 500 subscribers (November 11, 2014)
    • Gain 1,000 subscribers (November 11, 2014)
    • Gain 2,500 subscribers (December 15, 2014)
    • Gain 5,000 subscribers (January 31, 2015)
    • Gain 10,000 subscribers (March 1, 2015)
    • Gain 50,000 subscribers (August 10, 2015)
    • Gain 100,000 subscribers and earn the silver Play Button (October 20, 2015)
    • Gain 1 million subscribers and earn the gold Play Button (March 24, 2018)
    • Gain 5 million subscribers
  • Do a collab video with another dedicated YouTuber (December 11, 2015)
  • Form an LLC and actually be a professional company that does business things and whatnot (December 18, 2015)
  • Walk into a bookstore and take a picture of a book I wrote that’s for sale there (August 17, 2016)
  • Create an online course (January 1, 2019)
  • Grow my Instagram account to 100,000 followers
  • Launch a product that creates over $15,000 in revenue within one month (My Productivity Essentials course – first month did $28k!)
    • Launch a product that creates over $100,000 in revenue within one month
  • Speak at a university for more than 500 students
  • Give an Ignite Talk (April 19, 2012 – watch the video) (and another!)
  • Give a TEDx Talk
  • Speak at VidCon (June 22, 2017)
  • Host a series on Crash Course (August 1, 2017)
  • Give a talk about video creation to an audience of content creators (September 19, 2015)
  • Make $10,000 (gross) in a month (June 2015)
    • Make $25,000 (gross) in a month (June 2017)
  • Make $1,000 from music royalties (you can find my music here)
    • Current: $136.99 (March 2020)
  • Pay off all $14,431.72 of my student loans by May 2013 (when I graduate) (March 13, 2013)

Habit Goals

  • Do a morning workout 100 days in a row – Skill: Fitness
  • Read 25 pages a day for three months in a row – Skill: Intelligence (June 30, 2016) (Progress page)
  • Write 500 words 100 days in a row – Skill: Writing/Body of Work

Creative Goals

  • Publish a sci-fi/fantasy novella (at least 17,500 words)
  • Record and release a full solo guitar song
    • Release an entire album of instrumental music
  • Record and release an original song with lyrics
  • Play a live show that includes singing
  • Record a rap song (November 26, 2012 – it’s real dumb)
    • Release a full rap album (can be collaborative)
  • Design a WordPress theme from scratch (March 2014 – you’re looking at it!)
  • Hand-draw something I’d be proud to sell on RedBubble
  • Learn how to make electronic music
  • Learn how to play the piano (and play Love-Colored Master Spark)
  • Learn to draw to the point where I can create art like this

Skill Goals

  • Become fluent in Japanese
    • November 13, 2013 update: All hiragana, all katakana, 130 kanji, 245 vocab terms. Sentence structure skill lacking a bit.
  • Become fluent in Spanish
  • Remove an engine from a car and completely disassemble it, then reassemble it, put it back, and turn it on
  • Learn archery
  • Learn knife throwing
  • Learn swing dance
  • Learn ballroom dance
  • Learn tango
  • Become a competent skateboarder
    • Tricks to learn or re-learn: Ollie, FS 180, Pop-shuvit, Frontside pop shuvit, Kickflip, Rock-to-fakie, Rock-n-roll, Airing out, Learn to skate switch, Switch ollie, Nollie, 50-50, Axle stall
  • Pass the pre-bronze Moves in the Field test in figure skating (April 23, 2016)
    • Pass the bronze Moves in the Field test
  • Learn to snowboard (March 23, 2018)
    • Pull a 360 off of a kicker
  • Ski a double black diamond run (March 11, 2016)
  • Learn how to hit jumps on a mountain bike
  • Successfully ride Top of the World at Whistler Bike Park
  • Climb a 5.12 rock climbing route at a climbing gym (currently at 5.11)
  • Climb a V5-V7 bouldering problem in the gym (my gym uses ranges)
  • Learn how to lead climb (May 25, 2019)

Fun and/or “Insane” Goals

  • Skydive (July 22, 2012)
    • Become a certified solo skydiver
  • Bungee jump
  • Zero-G flight
  • Go cavern diving (like this guy)
  • Be on American Ninja Warrior
    • Make it through the first round
  • Climb a mountain (November, 13 2015 – Mt. Cowles/Pyle’s Peak in San Diego)
    • Climb a 14er (June 3, 2017 – Mt. Bierstadt)
    • Climb a mountain with at least 3,000 ft. elevation change from base (August 5, 2017 – Bear Peak)
    • Climb a mountain with at least 5,000 ft. elevation change from base
    • Climb a mountain that includes at least 500 ft. of Class-5 climbing
  • Cycle up Mt. Evans
  • Bike across America
  • Go surfing with Srinivas in California (July 6, 2012)
  • Take a trapeze class
  • Do the CN Tower Edge Walk
  • Go sailing on the ocean in a wooden ship
  • Be on TV (March 10, 2015)
  • Break a world record (July 11, 2014)
  • Take a Quokka selfie
  • Try out Smarter Every Day’s backwards brain bike
  • Visit Club 33 at Disney Land
  • Do a Grip Gauntlet with Jujimufu

Events to Attend

  • SXSW (March 2012)
  • BlogWorld (June 2012)
  • World Domination Summit (July 2014)
  • RAGBRAI (July 2013)
    • Complete the Karas Loop
  • Podcast Movement (August 2014)
  • Camp Nerd Fitness (September 2014)
  • FinCon (September 17, 2015)
  • VidCon (July 23, 2015)
  • Summer in the City
  • ComicCon
  • Chinese New Year celebration

Video Game Goals

  • Beat all levels in TowerFall: Ascension on Hardcore
  • 100% Super Meat Boy
  • Complete all single 10-footers in DDR Extreme (Done: Sakura, Bag, Max 300, Maxx Unlimited, Legend of Max, Paranoia Survivor)
  • Complete all double 9/10-footers in DDR Extreme, no bar (Progress)

Travel Goals

  • Visit Japan (May 2012)
    • twice (May 2013)
    • Visit with Anna (May 2015)
  • Visit Rome
  • Visit Ireland
  • Visit England
  • Visit Singapore
  • Visit China
  • Visit Spain
  • Visit Italy
  • Visit Turkey
  • Visit 5 countries other than the U.S. for more than a week each
  • Visit every state in the U.S.

Read 1000 Books

This goal is quite broad. Really, it just means read a lot and constantly be learning. I believe education is life-long, and the best of it is often self-driven.

To that end, I want to make sure I go through lots and lots of books! Initially, one of my 2013 resolutions was to simply read one book a month. That would come to 12 books a year, which is more than I imagine most people read. However, I’ve decided to try and outdo myself, and am currently trying to read one a week (at least).

Still, the goal of one per month will stand, though I think I’ll have to up that significantly if I’m to reach 1000 before I die. If you want to follow my progress, follow me on Goodreads!. You can also check out the list of books I recommend for all students.

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” – Robert Heinlein

If you found this list inspiring, I’d challenge you to create your own!

If you’d like to put it online and make it public as I’ve done, you can check out my guide on how to build a website to get started. Alternatively, you could keep it simple and just use a text document on your computer, or even a piece of paper (but remember to leave space for sub-goals!).

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