Super Meat Boy Ps4 Controller

Super Meat Boy’s controls can get pretty annoying, especially on the PC. Fortunately though, one very clever person has written a program that allows you to change it! Here’s how to download and use it:

Super Meat Boy Ps4 Controller Manual

Step One: Download the program

Super Meat Boy 3rd boss Brownie. By blankertim. Brownie is the boss of The Salt Factory and the deuteragonist of Super Meat Boy.He has been designed to look like Meat Boy, but instead of being made of muscle with black eyes, he is made of Dr. Fetus' feces and has yellow eyes, most likely made of corn. Oct 20, 2010 Super Meat Boy is a tough as nails platformer where you play as a boy without skin who needs to save his girlfriend made of bandages from an evil fetus in a jar wearing a top hat and a monocle.

Super Meat Boy Ps4 Controller

Click here to download!

I can assure you this program is safe to download.

Step Two: Launch and set directory

Once you’ve extracted the file, run the program. Now click “Set root directory”. You’ll then be prompted to find the folder where Super Meat Boy is stored. Here’s the directory:

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSuper Meat Boy

Then click ok!

Step Three: Remap the keys

This one’s pretty easy. Just click the drop-down menu with the key you want to remap and the select the new key! Do that for all the buttons you want to change, then click “Remap keys”. Done!

Step Four: Launch the game and be shocked at how amazingly it worked

Launch the game and have fun playing with your re-mapped keys! If at first it doesn’t seem as if the program worked, just double check that you clicked “remap keys”. I made that mistake. *Cries silently*

All credit for this program goes to 2xD.

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